Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions:

  • Company: Refers to Trusmile Surgical, registered in Sialkot, Pakistan, under number A-47073.
  • Contract: The agreement resulting from a customer’s order and these terms.
  • Customer: The entity placing an order for goods from the Company.
  • Goods: The products specified in the order.
  • Order: The purchase order submitted by the Customer.

2. General:

  • Headings are for reference only and do not affect the interpretation of these conditions.
  • The contractual documents in order of priority are: the Quotation and then the Conditions.
  • No other terms apply unless agreed in writing.
  • Trusmile Surgical may update these Conditions as needed.

3. Ordering:

  • Each order is an offer, subject to acceptance by the Company.
  • The Customer must ensure order accuracy.
  • Special conditions apply to Samples and Free of Charge Goods.

4. Prices:

  • Prices are exclusive of taxes and subject to change with notice.
  • Prices may increase due to uncontrollable factors.
  • Errors on the website are corrected, and incorrect orders are canceled.

5. Delivery:

  • Delivery address is specified in the Order.
  • Trusmile may withhold delivery for overdue payments or financial issues.
  • Timely delivery is not guaranteed.

6. Title and Risk:

  • Goods are at the Customer’s risk upon delivery.
  • Ownership passes after full payment.
  • The Customer may not pledge or charge Goods.
  • Trusmile can recover unpaid sums even if ownership hasn’t passed.

7. Terms of Payment:

  • Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice.
  • Each consignment is invoiced separately.
  • No disputes or delays should affect prompt payment.

8. Warranties:

  • Trusmile ensures Goods meet specified standards and are free from defects.
  • No warranty of fitness for a specific purpose unless specified in writing.
  • Goods not manufactured by Trusmile are subject to the manufacturer’s warranty.

9. Missing and Defective Goods:

  • Customer must inspect Goods upon receipt.
  • Complaints regarding missing or defects must be made promptly.
  • Complaints about defects not apparent on inspection must be filed promptly.
  • Complaints must adhere to specified timeframes.

10. Liability:

  • Trusmile Surgical’s liability for missing or defective Goods is to repair or replace them.
  • Consequential losses are not covered.
  • Total liability is limited to the Contract value.
  • This clause survives termination of the Contract.

11. Return of Goods:

  • Return requests are subject to approval.
  • Trusmile Surgical may charge for returned Goods.
  • Requirements for return are defined, and the process must be followed.

12. Returns and Cancellations:

  • Requests for returning Goods must adhere to specified conditions.
  • Cancellation may incur re-stocking charges and is at Trusmile’s discretion.

13. Specifications and Markings:

  • Trusmile may modify Goods’ specifications within reasonable limits.
  • Goods’ markings, packaging, and presentation must not be altered.
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